Bonding & Surety

Get in touch with us

As a business owner, when you need a performance or surety bond, you usually need it quickly to meet certain contractual specifications. We can help with both obtaining bonding and helping you to manage your surety credit obligations.

Contract Bonds

Whether you are looking for a bid bond, a performance bond, maintenance or supply bond, we offer a range of bonding options for contractors and manufacturers. We have insurance bonding markets available that are ready to embrace the types of risks you face.

If you are a new contractor, you may have had trouble obtaining your first few bonds. We offer markets eager to work with emerging contractors.

Commercial Bonds

All-American Insurance Agency has cultivated relationships with surety markets known for personalized service and quick turnaround. Here is a short list of the types of commercial bonds available to you.

Commercial Bonds Include:

  • License & Permit Bonds
  • Public Official Bonds
  • Fiduciary and Probate Bonds
  • Notary Public Bonds
  • Lost Instrument Bonds
  • Performance Bonds
  • Federal Bonds (including Medicare bonds)


Fidelity Bonds

The need for fidelity bonds is increasing nationwide. We offer competitive products for any business or organization seeking fidelity coverage:

 Fidelity Bonds Include:

  • Employee Dishonesty Bonds
  • Janitorial Services Bonds
  • Blanket and Schedule Bonds
  • Pension/ERISA Bonds


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